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  • Introduction
  • Authentication
  • Events
  • Categories
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  • Questions
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the Event Discovery API! You can use our API to access Event Discovery API endpoints, which can provide information on events around the world. Currently published are events from Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Hungary, Austria and Switzerland.

    You can view code examples in the dark area to the right.


    To authorize, use this code:

    # With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
    curl "api_endpoint_here" \
        -H "'Authorization: Token token="0443a55244bb2b6224fd48e0416f0d9c"'" \
        -H 'API-VERSION: 1'

    Make sure to replace 0443a55244bb2b6224fd48e0416f0d9c with your API key.

    We use API keys to allow access to the API. You can register for a new API key via

    We expect for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

    Authorization: Token token="0443a55244bb2b6224fd48e0416f0d9c"

    Besides the API key we expect an API-VERSION header to be sent with every request. The current API version is 1.



    Get All Events

    We expect a u parameter appendend to events. The u parameter is unique, consistent, non-traceable user ID. We use this to statistical purposes and recommendations.

    curl "" \
        -H 'Authorization: Token token="0443a55244bb2b6224fd48e0416f0d9c"' \
        -H 'API-VERSION: 1'

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

            "uid": "ff4ef8be88fca4a3",
            "etag": "304a4c141a9237191e884033684a53f1",
            "eventData": {
                "uid": "ff4ef8be88fca4a3",
                "created": "2017-05-07T11:59:30",
                "updated": "2017-05-08T11:51:18",
                "title": "New AS/A Level Science Teacher Network - Birmingham",
                "description": "Would you like to know more about ....",
                "locations": {
                    "start": {
                        "name": "Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College",
                        "coordinates": "geo:52.4625592,-1.8851711",
                        "address": {
                            "street": "1 Belgrave Road",
                            "region": null,
                            "postcode": "B12 9FF",
                            "locality": "Birmingham",
                            "country": "United Kingdom"
                "isAllDay": false,
                "start": "2017-05-10T16:30:00",
                "timeZone": "UTC",
                "duration": "PT2H",
                "links": [
                        "rel": "",
                        "type": "image/png",
                        "href": "https://images.schedjoules/ff4ef8be88fca4a3.png",
                        "properties": {
                            "": "768",
                            "": "512"
                        "rel": "",
                        "type": "image/png",
                        "href": "https://images.schedjoules/ff4ef8be88fca4a3.png",
                        "properties": {
                            "": "128",
                            "": "128"

    This endpoint retrieves all events.


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Description
    u Yes > 19 chars
    latlng No float
    radius No meters
    start_at_or_after No UTC
    start_before No UTC
    results No default/max: 100
    categories No Comma separated list of categories



    By default the api returns a maximum of 100 results per request. The link headers let you scroll into the future or past.

    Get a Specific Event

    curl "" \
        -H 'Authorization: Token token="0443a55244bb2b6224fd48e0416f0d9c"' \
        -H 'API-VERSION: 1'

    This endpoint retrieves one specific event.


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description
    EVENT_ID The ID of the event to retrieve


    This endpoint returns the list of categories we apply to events. You can use these categories in your UI (eg as dropdown or use them to request a subset of events.

    Get All Categories

    curl "" \
        -H 'Authorization: Token token="0443a55244bb2b6224fd48e0416f0d9c"' \
        -H 'API-VERSION: 1'

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

            "name": "",
            "label": "R&B"
            "name": "",
            "label": "American football"


    You can add the accept-language header to change the locale of the labels


    Currently English (en, default), German (de) and Dutch (nl) are supported.


    1. Most categories have subcategories
    2. Not all events have a category
    3. If an event has a subcategery it always has the corresponding main category
    4. Events can have multiple categories

    Filter by category

    Use categories to retreive a subset of events.

    curl "{COMMA_SEPARATED_LIST_OF_CATEGORIES}&u=unique_user_identifier" \
        -H 'Authorization: Token token="0443a55244bb2b6224fd48e0416f0d9c"' \
        -H 'API-VERSION: 1'



    Every event is actionable. We provide links for buying tickets, navigation, share and add-to-calendar.

    Get Event Actions

    curl "" \
        -H 'Authorization: Token token="0443a55244bb2b6224fd48e0416f0d9c"' \
        -H 'API-VERSION: 1'

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "links": [
                "rel": "",
                "href": "",
                "properties": {
                    "": "ticket",
                    "": "2016-12-09T11:00:00Z",
                    "": "2017-06-28T19:00:00Z",
                    "": "unavailable",
                    "": ""
                "rel": ""
                "rel": "",
                "href": ""
                "rel": "",
                "href": ""


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Required Description
    ID Yes The ID of the event to retrieve
    u Yes > 19 chars


    Event happens at a time and place. There are a lot of places/POI services our there. POIs themselves are very static. Interesting things happens when you mash the POIs with EOI (events of interest). This adds an important layer of context. The POIs come to life when you know what is happening inside.


    Foursquare has a great service for getting information on venues. Many services use Foursquare's API for enhancing their location based services. Our API makes it super easy to add events to your Foursquare implementation. You can use the Foursquare venue id and the API returns the nearest events.

    curl "" \
        -H 'Authorization: Token token="0443a55244bb2b6224fd48e0416f0d9c"' \
        -H 'API-VERSION: 1'

    The above command returns all events within a radius of 100m of Foursquare venue 4a27db92f964a52094941fe3 aka Het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Required Description
    foursquare_venue_id No The Foursquare venue id


    Please tell us how we can make the API better. If you have a specific feature request or if you find a bug, please send us an email.