CalStoreCountry Class Reference

Declared in CalStoreCountry.h


The CalendarStore frameworks supports multiple different countries (locations). A CalStoreCountry object holds information about a country that is supported in the Calendar Store.

The iso3166Code property is the code that should be used for the location property of the CalStoreController to change the CalendarStore to a country.

When displaying CalStoreCountry objects to the user, always show the localizedName, which is localized according to the locale property from CalStoreController.

Available Translations

The Calendar Store associated with a country can support multiple translations. For example, The German Calendar Store data can be shown in German or English, while the Canadian Calendar Store can be shown in French, Dutch and English.

To get the list of possible translations for a country, use the availableTranslations property of a CalStoreCountry object. When this property is nil, the data needs to be fetched using the fetchAvailableTranslationsWithCompletionHandler: method. This method will fetch the data asynchronously from and will call the completionHandler when it is available.



The id for this country.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *countryId

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The ISO3166 code for this country. Assign this to the location property of the CalStoreController sharedController instance to change the country of the Calendar Store.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *iso3166Code


This is an ISO3166 code, see .

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Getting name


The non-localized name for this country. Should not be user-facing.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *name

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The localized name for this country. Use this property when you need to display a country to the user.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *localizedName

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Getting an icon


The (flag-)icon for this country.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) CalStoreIcon *icon

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Available Translations


A list of CalStoreAvailableTranslation objects, which define the supported locales for this country. If nil, use fetchAvailableTranslationsWithCompletionHandler: to fetch the list asynchronously from the API.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *availableTranslations


A CalendarStore can support different translations in which the content can be given back. This array holds a list of CalStoreAvailableTranslation objects, which tell which locales are supported for the given country.

To change the locale for the CalendarStore, use the locale property of the CalStoreController sharedInstance object.

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Fetching Available Translations


YES if this object is busy fetching availableTranslations, NO otherwise. Only one fetchAvailableTranslationsWithCompletionHandler: operation can be performed per CalStoreCountry object at the same time.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isFetchingAvailableTranslations) BOOL fetchingAvailableTranslations

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– fetchAvailableTranslationsWithCompletionHandler:

Call when availableTranslations is nil. Will asynchronously fetch the availableTranslations from the API.

- (void)fetchAvailableTranslationsWithCompletionHandler:(CalStoreCountryAvailableTranslationsCompletionHandler)completionHandler



When the fetch operation finishes, the completionHandler will be invoked on the main queue.


Note: Calling this method when fetchingAvailableTranslations is YES will raise an exception.

This method will use the authorizationToken from the CalStoreController. If you want to provide the authorizationToken yourself, use fetchAvailableTranslationsWithCompletionHandler:

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– fetchAvailableTranslationsWithCompletionHandler:authorizationToken:

Same as fetchAvailableTranslationsWithCompletionHandler:, but with the option of using a custom authorizationToken.

- (void)fetchAvailableTranslationsWithCompletionHandler:(CalStoreCountryAvailableTranslationsCompletionHandler)completionHandler authorizationToken:(NSString *)authorizationToken



When the fetch operation finishes, the completionHandler will be invoked on the main queue.


the AuthorizationToken to use for the underlying API request that’s being made


Note: Only use if you need to provide a different token than the one used by CalStoreController.

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– cancelAvailableTranslationsFetch

Cancels an ongoing fetch request for availableTranslations.

- (void)cancelAvailableTranslationsFetch

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