CalStorePickLanguageViewController Class Reference

Inherits from CalStoreBaseApiContentViewController : CalStoreBaseViewController : UIViewController
Declared in CalStorePickLanguageViewController.h


ViewController that allows the user to pick a language from the list of language supported by the store.

Showing Cancel buttons


If YES, shows a cancel button which will dismiss or pop the viewcontroller. Defaults to YES.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL showsCancelButton

Declared In


Managing Selection


The ISO639-1 code that is selected.

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *selectedLanguageIso6391Code

Declared In


Responding to selection changes


Block callback that will be invoked on the main queue when the user selects a country.

@property (nonatomic, copy) CalStorePickLanguageViewControllerCallback selectionDidChangeCallback


Note: The callback is responsible for dismissing the view controller.

Declared In
