CalStorePageItemCalendar Class Reference

Inherits from CalStorePageItemPurchasable : CalStorePageItem : CalStoreObject : NSObject
Declared in CalStorePageItemCalendar.h


A CalStorePageItemCalendar is the item that corresponds to an ICS calendar that the user can purchase and install.

Objects of this class can be purchased and installed by the user. After an object has been purchased, the url property will return the unique url to the ICS calendar.

Use the CalStorePageItemPurchasable methods of this object to check purchasing information, pricing info and start a purchase.

Getting an URL

– createUrlWithCompletionHandler:

When this item has been purchased by the user, use this method to create an URL to the calendar ICS-file that can be installed.

- (void)createUrlWithCompletionHandler:(CalStoreFetchUrlCompletionHandler)completionHandler



block that will be invoked when the url has been created or the creation failed. If url is nil, the creation filled. Use the error parameter of the block to display an appropriate error message to your users. The block will be invoked on the main queue.


To install an ICS file on the user’s device, use the CalStoreInstallCalendarViewController .

Declared In


Store Integration


YES when it seems the calendar for this item is installed. Uses EventKit integration to determine the status.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isInstalled) BOOL installed


Due to limitations on iOS, this property only reliable value is YES. When it is set to NO, it means that either the calendar is not installed or that it is not possible to determine if this calendar is installed.

This property also uses EventKit to check if the calendar is installed. If you don’t want EventKit integration, use the CalStoreEventKitController to disable EventKit integration.

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