CalStoreInstallCalendarViewController Class Reference

Inherits from UINavigationController
Declared in CalStoreInstallCalendarViewController.h


A ViewController to install a purchased calendar.

This ViewController will allow the user to install an already purchased CalStorePageItemCalendar object onto his device.

The CalStorePageItemCalendar object must have it’s CalStorePageItemCalendar.purchased> property returning YES. CalStorePageItemParameterizedCalendar objects must have all their allParametersValues set.

Other Methods


The Calendar to install. The CalStorePageItemCalendar object must have it’s CalStorePageItemCalendar.purchased> property returning YES. CalStorePageItemParameterizedCalendar objects must have all their allParametersValues set.

@property (nonatomic, strong) CalStorePageItemCalendar *calendarItem


If those conditions are not met, an exception will be raised.

Declared In


Responding To PageItem actions


The pageItem handler delegate allows to override the actions that are performed when the user interacts with a PageItem (e.g. installing an item).

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<CalStorePageItemHandlerDelegate> pageItemHandlerDelegate


The delegate must adopt the CalStorePageItemHandlerDelegate formal protocol.

Declared In


+ viewControllerWithCalendarItem:

Creates a ViewController to install the given calendarItem.

+ (instancetype)viewControllerWithCalendarItem:(CalStorePageItemCalendar *)calendarItem



the calendarItem to install. The CalStorePageItemCalendar object must have it’s CalStorePageItemCalendar.purchased> property returning YES. CalStorePageItemParameterizedCalendar objects must have all their allParametersValues set.

Return Value

ViewController that can be presented to start installing the calendarItem


The CalStorePageItemCalendar object must have it’s CalStorePageItemCalendar.purchased> property returning YES. CalStorePageItemParameterizedCalendar objects must have all their allParametersValues set.

If those conditions are not met, nill will be returned.

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