CalStorePageItemParameterizedCalendar Class Reference

Inherits from CalStorePageItemCalendar : CalStorePageItemPurchasable : CalStorePageItem : CalStoreObject : NSObject
Declared in CalStorePageItemParameterizedCalendar.h


A parameterized calendar cannot immediately create an url, but first needs a set of values for its parameters. For example, the weather calendar needs to have a location parameter to be able to create a full url.

The createUrlWithCompletionHandler: method will fail, until values for all parameters have been supplied.


The set of all parameters that need to be supplied can be fetched using the parameters property. E.g. 'rain', 'wind', 'location', 'language'.


Set properties using the allParametersValues dictionary property or the setValue:forParameter: message. E.g. [item setValue:@"en_US" forParameter:@"language"].


Some parameters have a fixed list of options the user can pick from; use the parametersOptions property to get a dictionary of parameters to CalStoreParameterOptions objects, which hold information about the title and various options possible for that particular parameter. E.g. 'wind' => {title: 'Vent', options: ['kmh' => 'Kilometre/heure', 'mph' => 'Miles/heure']}.

If parametersOptions is nil, use fetchParameterOptionsWithCompletionHandler: to fetch them asynchronously from the API server.


To be able to create a full URL for a ParameterizedCalendar, make sure you have supplied values for all parameters:

  • parameters without options need to be supplied by the app (e.g. language, location)
  • parameters with options can be picked by the user with appropriate UI



A set of the names of all parameters that MUST be supplied to be able to be able to create a full url.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSSet *parameters


These names should be the keys of the allParametersValues dictionary.

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Setting Parameter Values


Set with an NSDictionary with all values for all parameters. The keys of the parameters should be all the names in the parameters property, the values should be NSString objects.

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary *allParametersValues

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– setValue:forParameter:

Sets a single parameter in the allParametersValues dictionary. Overrides any existing values for the given key. If value is nil, the key will be removed from the allParametersValues dictionary.

- (void)setValue:(id)value forParameter:(NSString *)key



the value to set for the parameter


the name of the parameter to set

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YES if all parameters have values in the allParametersValues dictionary.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL hasValuesForAllParameters


Iff YES, it is possible to create a full url with createUrlWithCompletionHandler:

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Parameters Options


An NSDictionary describing the possible values for parameters that have selectable options. The keys of the dictionary are the names from the parameters property that have options. The values in this dictionary are of type CalStoreCalendarParameterOptions. If nil, use fetchParameterOptionsWithCompletionHandler:.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDictionary *parametersOptions


The options are requested from the API, so they are not readibly available. If this property is nil, call fetchParameterOptionsWithCompletionHandler: to fetch the options from the API.

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Fetching Parameters Options

– fetchParametersOptionsWithCompletionHandler:

Call when parametersOptions is nil. Will asynchronously fetch the parametersOptions from the API.

- (void)fetchParametersOptionsWithCompletionHandler:(CalStoreParametersOptionsCompletionHandler)completionHandler



When the fetch operation finishes, the completionHandler will be invoked on the main queue.


Note: Calling this method when fetchingParametersOptions is YES will raise an exception.

This method will use the authorizationToken from the CalStoreController. If you want to provide the authorizationToken yourself, use fetchParametersOptionsWithCompletionHandler:authorizationToken:

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– fetchParametersOptionsWithCompletionHandler:authorizationToken:

Same as fetchParametersOptionsWithCompletionHandler:, but with the option of using a custom authorizationToken.

- (void)fetchParametersOptionsWithCompletionHandler:(CalStoreParametersOptionsCompletionHandler)completionHandler authorizationToken:(NSString *)authorizationToken



When the fetch operation finishes, the completionHandler will be invoked on the main queue.


the AuthorizationToken to use for the underlying API request that’s being made


Note: Only use if you need to provide a different token than the one used by CalStoreController.

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– cancelParametersOptionsFetch

Cancels an ongoing parametersOptions fetch request.

- (void)cancelParametersOptionsFetch

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YES if this object is busy fetching parametersOptions.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isFetchingParametersOptions) BOOL fetchingParametersOptions

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the URL where a JSON object can be found, describing possible values for the parameters. Normally, one uses the parameterOptions property.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *parametersOptionsUrl


Note: It’s recommended to use fetchParametersOptionsWithCompletionHandler:.

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